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"AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS" congratulated Mariupol Metallurgical Vocational School with anniversary

6 October 2011 // Press сenter PJSC "AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS"

"AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS" (Metinvest Group) congratulated Mariupol Metallurgical Vocational School with 110-year anniversary. On the anniversary of school the Works appropriated about 60 thou UAH for acquisition of new computer equipment.

Mariupol Metallurgical Vocational School is a longstanding partner of the Works. Over a number of years, school is preparing skilled employees for the Works. School graduates realize themselves becoming known in professional field and occupying sought-after specialties at the Works: assistant locomotive driver, electrician for electrical equipment repair and maintenance, crane operator, electric and gas welder, repairman, etc.

Annually Metallurgical School graduates occupy initial work position at "AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS". Only in 2011 more than hundred young professionals who graduated from School were employed at the Works.

Almost 78 years Metallurgical School is a sponsored institution of the Works and known for its highly qualified specialists. Among the graduates of School there are three Heroes of the Soviet Union, two honorary Mariupol citizens, whose names were given to Varganova and Latyshev Street.

Enver Tskitishvili, Director General of PJSC "AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS", noted that investments in education today, in future, will return to us in the person of highly-qualified professionals who will contribute to further successful development of the Works and Metinvest in general.