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Metinvest Sponsored Purchase of 2 Ambulance Cars

18 April 2012

Metinvest, vertically integrated mining and steel group of companies, allocated about 1,4 mln. UAH for two modern ambulance cars to be purchased for “Azovstal” iron and steel works medical unit needs, as part of the Group enterprises health safety system improvement long-term strategy program implementation.

The new ambulance cars are intended for first responding and operative transportation of the personnel to medical stations, medical treatment and specialized facilities of the city and Donetsk region. These are more powerful and fast specialized cars based on Volkswagen minibuses equipped with all means required for giving efficient first-aid.

Both cars are equipped in accordance with a new state standard requirements and are convenient for field work of medical personnel. There is a defibrillator, pulse oximeter, electrocardiograph, glucose meter, stretchers of several types, special carrier bags and other specific equipment in each car. The interior part and the cabin are equipped with air condition systems.

In terms of health safety system improvement long-term strategy program implementation at «Azovstal», all medical personnel and heads of basic divisions were trained on integrated algorithm of emergency actions in case of injuries and acute cardiac pathology.

«A person’s life and health depend upon timely and qualified emergency aid. Purchasing of new modern ambulance cars will allow us to improve quality of emergency first aid rendered as well as to timely react to eventual abnormal situations», Enver Tskitishvili, GeneraL director of PJSC «AZOVSTAL» Iron and Steel Works» pointed out.