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Metinvest Environmental Strategy Receives International Recognition

25 October 2010 // Press centre Metinvest Group

Metinvest has received another Climate Action certificate for the programs implemented in the field of environmental protection and Kyoto Protocol CO2 emission standards compliance. According to the preliminary estimates the planned activities will allow Metinvest enterprises reducing greenhouse gases emission by over 8 mln. t of CO2 (equiv.) before 2008-2012.

Being the only Ukrainian company which has the status of the World Steel Association (WSA) full-fledged member, Metinvest is pursuing active environmental efforts and has been implementing a number of environmental projects for several years.

Within the frames of these efforts Metinvest has been an active member of the Global Sectoral Approach since 2008, and according to the Agreement, the Company provides annual consolidated data on greenhouse gases emissions by all enterprises of the Group. This initiative enables generation of an accurate forecast of greenhouse gases emission by the steel industry as a whole, and prioritizing of mitigation activities and technologies.

In 2009 the Company was first certified as the Climate Action Member for active participation in the program during the period of 2008-2009. Particularly, in 2009 Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya and Samsonovskaya-Zapadnaya of Krasnodoncoal managed to reduce greenhouse gases emission by 50 thous. t as СО2 equivalent. In 2010 Krasnodoncoal received €598 thous. as proceeds from carbon units sale within the frames of the First Phase Implementation (Mine Methane Utilization Project).

Following the strategy on building of the vertically integrated environmental management system, Azovstal signed the Agreement about development and support of the Joint Implementation Project (JI) with Global Carbon Company. Yenakiyevo I&SW signed the Agreement on development and support of the Joint Implementation Project (JI) with ING Bank NV (the Netherlands). The agreements envisage service delivery in the field of Kyoto Protocol mechanisms implementation. Preliminary estimates show that greenhouse emission reduction at the enterprises for the period of Kyoto Protocol validity (2008 – 2012 г.г.) will comprise over 6 mln. t.

Metinvest plans to continue implementing the Joint Implementation Projects till 2012, inclusively, for the period of Kyoto Protocol validity term. In the long-run, Metinvest Group will continue implementing greenhouse reduction projects based on the international rules to be determined for the period after 2012.


WORLD STEEL ASSOCIATION (WSA) represents approximately 180 steel producers (including 18 of the world’s 20 largest steel companies), national and regional steel industry associations and steel research institutes.  Worldsteel members produce around 85% of the world’s steel.

The World steel Climate Action recognition programme unites steel producers who recognize global climate change problem and who have fulfilled their commitment to participate in the worldsteel CO2 emissions data collection programme. The CO2 emissions data were collected at all Metinvest companies by environmentalists of the managing company during July-August 2009. More information about the program Climate Action: http://www.worldsteel.org/climatechange/

Metinvest is an international vertically integrated mining and metallurgical group of companies. Production facilities of Metinvest Group enterprises allow both to satisfy own demand for raw materials, liquid steel and semi-finished products and to be key supplier for major Ukrainian and European companies as well as Asian companies. The shareholders of Metinvest Group are SCM Group (75%) and Smart Holding (25%) that take part in management of Metinvest Group on partnership basis.

METINVEST HOLDING, LLC is the managing Company of Metinvest Group.